Making the most of my time while washing the dishes I review my day, make plans for tomorrow and ponder questions of great significance and then turn them around and poise rhetorical pop questions on myself to see if I can divulge greater meaning. When asked "Do I know what the Rock is cooking?" I must confess that I do not know what he is cooking nor do I care. That being said I attended an uneventful meeting.
I then proceed to imagine sending letters to my sister-in-law to practice my Danish and enclose pictures of my interpretations of life on the farm as percieved by those with less than perfect senses. I imagine a visual interpretation of the perceptions of a blind man hanging about the farmhouse at night and hearing only the wind and Jesper, hitting his head on the low rise ceiling on the second (first) storey.
This reminds me that I missed the oportunity to talk to my sister last week and I should get back to her soon.
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